Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wherein it has been nearly a month, and I'm sorry.

To the two of you out there who read this, my apologies for continuing to be so terrible about this updating thing.

I have done literally nothing since my last post. Well, that isn't entirely true-- I've gotten a few notes down about the project that I mentioned was entirely confined to my Moleskin, and I've gotten a craving to write ridiculously cliche teen drama, so we'll see where that goes.

I really need to force myself to blog more often. It makes me feel ashamed of all the stuff I haven't done to blog about.

Short blog post is short. My entire left arm is feeling ouchy, thanks entirely to today being Hannah-makes-a-bajillion-invoices-day at work. Hopefully I'll do a weekly update sort of thing. Which means I need to do something this week that's worthy of updating about.