Monday, June 27, 2011

Challenge Failed.

HOWEVER! Even though I did not get Autumn of Discord written either before or during vacation, I have accomplished several things that have made the past few weeks more productive than the past couple of months. During vacation, I:
  • Finished Chapter One of Autumn of Discord.
  • Completely outlined Autumn of Discord chapter-by-chapter (okay, technically this was before vacation, but it's the fact that I know exactly what I need to happen that counts, right?).
  • Completed a one page overall outline of Book 3 of the Camlain quartet, Winter's Majesty (very soon to come-- a one page overall outline of as-yet-untitled Book Four!).
  • Completed a two page overall outline of a complete separate project that I shan't talk about yet, because it does not have a title and I don't know how I want to refer to it-- so we'll call it Sekrit Project for now.
Now all I have to do is put those outlines to good use! I can't decide if I want to outline Book Four first, or write Autumn of Discord first. On the one hand, I know that I need to get the second book written in case something that happens arbitrarily while I write affects what needs to happen in the second half of the quartet. On the other hand, I know that I'll be more likely to make myself stick to a writing schedule and get all of these written if I have the entire quartet at least semi-outlined. I have notes on the BIG PICTURE-- I know how it's going to end. But I want more specifics than that.

As for the Sekrit Project that isn't really that much of a secret-- I'm in love with this project. It is very character-driven (I am in love with the characters in this novel) and a standalone, which is typically difficult for me. I'm a series kind of girl-- Camlain has a quartet planned (as well as plot blurbs for future next-gen novels) and while I've managed to keep Rosie's book and World Enough to standalones, it wasn't easy. Even my novella, Reversion, has a couple of characters from its world who want their own stories.

Speaking of Reversion-- does anyone know of any publishers who just absolutely adore novellas? I would love to query someone about this.