Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Defeating the Query Monster

First of all-- I missed last week's entry, and I know it, and I felt bad about it, so I'm going to attempt to do two entries this week to make up for it. And this one is a day late, but let's be real here-- I warned you guys in the beginning that consistency was not my strong suit.

So. I had a very bad day today. Would you like to know what I did to make it better?

I sent out queries. Five queries, actually! And it made my day much, much better. I don't know if it was the bright, optimistic, anything-can-happen feeling that sending out queries gives me, or if I just needed to do something where I was in control, but either way-- it worked.

Now I just get to sit and wait (im)patiently for someone to respond!

In other news, I am a firm believer in setting goals. One thing that I know about myself is that if I state my goals publicly somewhere so that other people can see them, I am far more likely to hold myself accountable to them. So here we go:

  • Finish Book 3 of my Camlain quartet, also known as Winter's Majesty.
  • Okay, let's be real here-- that's my only real goal for this weekend.

    This is the first weekend in a few weeks that I haven't had a dance rehearsal or something similar, so instead of spending all my time driving around I am instead going to sit down and write the last seven chapters of this book. I want to move on to another project, but before I do that I need a complete draft of this book so that I can send it off to my personal-editor-slash-demanding-best-friend and take a giant step away from this world for a while. Wish me luck!

    What goals are you all setting for yourself this week?


    1. My goal for this week: Not to stress out. Haha But seriously. That is my goal. To take life a day at a time and not get stressed.

    2. I'm back to blogging, which is a goal in and of itself.
      I also need to write. I have done it in a long while.
