Monday, August 1, 2011

I've clearly lost my mind.

But then, this happens on a daily basis, so I'm not certain why this worries me.

The culprit of my insanity this time is none other than NaNoWriMo. But wait, Hannah-- NaNo is in November, you say! Except that this year, they decided to do something called Camp NaNoWriMo-- two month-long sessions in July and August wherein people do the exact same thing that they do in November. (For those of you who are not aware, that means 'write a 50,000 word novel in a month'.) As I am nothing more than a lemming, I decided to sign up for the August session.

What this means is that, starting this afternoon (though technically, I suppose 'starting last night just after midnight' is more accurate) I will be furiously writing on Autumn of Discord. Remember that novel I was supposed to work on on vacation? And before that-- the one that I was supposed to finish before vacation? Neither of those things happened. However, nothing spurs me on to finish a project like the pressure of NaNo.

There is an interesting sort of pressure to writing a sequel to an unpublished book. For one thing, there will likely be at least a draft or two more of the first book, because I know myself (and to paraphrase the great Maureen Johnson, whenever you ask if your book is done, the answer is always "NO!"), so even though the main things are set in stone, minor details may change. For another, keeping up with a world created entirely out of my own head is harder than one may think. This is why I have my handy-dandy WORLDBUILDING NOTEBOOK (not to be confused with the Handy Dandy Notebook(c) that allows you to play Blue's Clues), but alas, nothing is foolproof. Details may slip through the cracks; I may forget entirely that Ian has a 13-year-old sister named Emmeline (although now that I've said that here I can be sure that is one detail I will not forget).

But I shall carry on! I shall prevail! Etc.

I'm actually really excited.

Bring it on, August.


  1. Wahoo! You got this! You can do it!

    Solidarity, sister!

  2. We can do this together because I totally fold under peer pressure when it comes to writing because God knows I need to get a move on and stop wanting to rewrite already written things!
